Sunday, September 27, 2009

Next step!

For the past 2 months I have been taking pictures around my local area. The weather has been beautiful and the light is not a problem. But we do live in the Pacific NW, so that will end. That would make my Photography season so short! So I ask God, What next?

I have met with a friend and fellow photographer and we are working on a business plan! We are praying for $8000.00 to buy some studio equipment and I am getting excited to start shooting indoors as well!

What you must realize is I am just learning. I have been able to take amazing pictures only with Gods help (I can say they are amazing, because they amaze me as well)! And now as I believe Him for the money needed, I will also believe Him for the knowledge needed! I am reading books, looking at web sites, and am praying about taking a class (yep, learned my lesson, pray first register second)!

But whatever happens, IT IS MY DESIRE TO HONOR HIM! In all that I do. Pray with me will you?!


Anonymous said...

I liked the lesson, pray first register second. I made the same mistake. I pray for quiet so that you may hear is answer.

Kayla Fioravanti said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Love your blogs...but where on the pictures!? This is, after all, Michelle Corbin the lady with a camera in her hand everytime I see her! I use to post photos onto my blog. Also, you are a perfect candidate to take part in Wordless Wednesday.

Kayla @EssentialU