Sunday, September 27, 2009

And then God spoke to my heart...and I finally listened!

The summer of 2008 I found myself without a job and not knowing what I was supposed to do. The past 2 school years I had worked at the private school my 2 youngest attended running the before and after school programs. I loved what I was doing, the students, and the school! I could see myself there for many years to come. But God had other plans.

In late July the principal informed me that they did not plan to renew my contract for the 2008/2009 school year. I was devastated! I had been a preschool teacher before my own children were born, it was what I did. So I set out to find work. July ended, August came and went. My children went back to school and so did all of my teacher friends. I had no place to go! By the 2ND week of school I was recording drama TV to watch! Not good! But as I said before God had a plan. By late September I was the director of an infant/toddler program linked to a teen parenting program for our local high school. I loved my job. I was needed and I thrived! Again, I began making plans to improve the program, work even more with the high school and could see myself continuing in that position for years to come. There is where my story will start! The program did not get funded, and as of right now is not funded! Yep, I am once again not working. Thank God I am also not recording drama TV!

By July of 2009 my plan was to go back to college and finish earning my degree. I enrolled, met with my adviser, filled out financial aid forms and began to make plans. You see, I have always regretted not finishing my degree. And in the recent years not having my degree has seemed to hurt me in the job market. So my plan was to finish my degree and the next time someone asked me if I had my degree I could answer yes! I do! That was my plan!

August 2009 I found myself at Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center. It was Thursday morning, I was at the morning session and we began singing the song "Lord I give You My Heart". The first line of that song is "It is my desire to honor You"... Have you ever had an intimate talk with God that only had to last about 10 seconds, but you knew the whole conversation? Well that is what happened during in that moment for me. I had made my plans, but I never considered if that was His plan for me and worse than that I never asked myself if my having a degree would honor God! This is for me, I support education. I believe to hold a degree is an honor! BUT, for me, at this time, I was in rebellion! I immediately began to cry. I cried all through the worship, special music, the meet and greet time and a little of the preaching, but in the end I felt right with God. I had repented and made the decision not to attend school in a few short weeks.

Now here is my story. Where is God leading. You know all the sayings, when God closes a door, there is another one that He opens. But a friend told me of a quote she read once "it is hell in the hallway". =) So true!

I am excited about what is to come! I have seen God to so many mighty things in me, in my life and in my family this past month! All praise goes to Him! This was the ground work, to catch you up, now I can start telling you about the path (curves and all) that I find myself walking. And I am so happy that you will walk a little with me!

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