Tuesday, September 29, 2009

When life seems to stop

I remember the night really well. I got a call from the care center my Mom had been living in for a few years. She had a personal phone line in her room, but from time to time I would get a call from the nurse or her if her line was not working. I took a breath and answered. The CNA told me that they had just sent my Mom to the hospital by ambulance and she didn't look good at all. I thanked her and hung up. With in 10 minutes I had kissed my family goodbye, packed a few extra things in my purse (gum, money a book) in case it was a long ER visit and headed to the hospital. I walked into the ER and saw my Mom on one of the ER beds like I had so many times before and gave her a smile. She smiled back. 4 days later she touched my face for the last time and I said good bye as I held her and she met Jesus face to face.

There are many more details that I happily share with anyone who will listen! But the point I want to make right now is that when I got that phone call it was as if life stopped for me for a bit. It didn't matter what bill was due, or who would be driving my kids to school. Because of my family and friends, people who care about me, I was able to "stop life" and spend those precious few days with my Mom.

It was that way when I gave birth also. When it was time, it was time! Everyone gave our family grace! The world stopped and our focus was so small at that time! We could focus on the most important thing, our newest baby! Then a few hours later our focus enlarged a bit to include our other children, then extended family and friends, and little by little life came back.

This is how I want to be with Jesus! I pray that when I sit to do devotions, or during my prayer time that my world can just stop for a few minutes. Man, if I could get to the place where my focus is so narrow that all I see is Jesus, could you imagine how He could change me? Nothing of this world would matter at that point! I would not be presenting my request to Him, or even thanking Him for all He has done for me, I would just be able to focus on Him, who He is, what He means to me, what I mean to Him. That is true intimacy with God, that is where I want to be more and more! Oh, don't get me wrong, I have had those times with my Lord. But what I am talking about is getting to the point where those times are present daily, where more of my life is spent in that place than not! Lord help me, Lord help us all!

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