Monday, September 28, 2009

God gives us what we need!

A little boy named David knew the horrible things that were going on with his family. He knew God had a plan, and he knew he was Gods plan. Could you imagine the pressure David felt? The weight that must have been on his shoulders! I mean come on, his older brothers had already been fighting, and they could not gain any ground.

I bet the family was questioning where God was! I bet they had prayed for God to send help! And I bet that was the vary moment David entered the room! I can imagine them all throwing back their heads and letting out belly laughs. I mean David, little David! I picture his Dad giving a stern look to the older brothers and then smiling and biting his lip as he tried to take Davids heart felt proposal seriously.

And David just kept moving ahead, every step with God's prompting. It is easy for us to cheer, "you go David" from this angle! I've read the story, and many more that shows how God always came through for David. WOW, You go God! But I so know a little about what David must have felt as he entered the meeting area of his father and older brothers. He had a mandate from the God of creation. The one who had been speaking to his family for generations was now speaking to him!

I have heard God's voice in my own life many times. It can come as a still soft voice, just knowing how God wants me to act. I have felt a little nudge as the heart of God grabbed my own heart and I knew I was His answer to someone else. And I have felt the sting of Gods precious discipline when He needed me to change. That resent Thursday morning at Cannon Beach I felt God showing me an ugly dark spot on my heart, that was in danger of bringing a wedge between Him and I. I remember covering my face as the hot tears ran down my cheeks. I remember hearing things go on around me, but none of it mattered, I was having an alter service with my Lord, He was talking to me, and I was finally listening!

In the days that followed, God and I have had many of talks. I have been reminded to ask before I leap. To question my motives in every thing I desire, and most of all I have realized again that the good in me comes from Him. Which is not the part that is hard for me, the part that has always been hard for me is learning that there is good in me at all! Knowing that I have a lot to offer that is good, and the reason is God made me that way!

What God is asking me to do looks impossible. I am trusting God to show me one step at a time, listen and act! He will give me all I need, and even if what He gives me to do the job looks like 3 small rocks in comparison to the task He has ask of me. I will remember, with God, I am unstoppable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok. You want to prompt me anymore?