Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Get Acquainted Shoot!

With a house full of needs and long of to do lists, there are not to many times my husband or I get alone. Last Saturday I took off for a shoot, just me my new camera and the beauty of our area! I was not sure where I was going, but I headed towards the Columbia River Gorge and ended up driving along the Sandy River.

I stopped where I saw a picture waiting to happen, I turned around when I passed something that might look interesting, and I probably made some people a little mad because it was Saturday not Sunday, yet I was out for a drive, slow at times!

OK, you need the story of the sign! I found myself noticing lots of street names of people I know (Kimberly Ct, Ellis street, ETC) I finally stopped to shoot a sign, thinking why am I not stopping, this is what I am out for! I pulled to the shoulder and thought it felt a little sloppy, but I would only be a moment and I was already parked so what would be the point in moving! I took the pics and then got back into go...yep my wheels spun. I laughed at the thought of calling my husband to pull me out! Luckily I was able to rock back and forth to free the tire, but sprayed mud all over the side of the van! You should check out the car wash pictures I took shortly after! LOL!

I had a sweet day. Enjoyed the freedom, but after a couple of hours realized it is more fun to shoot with other people, as co-photographers or models! Enjoy a sample of my Get Acquainted with my new camera shoot! She is a nice new friend who I plan to enjoy using! =-)

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