Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And I'm off!

Sunday night I started my website!! Please check it out and sign the guest book for me! It really was not difficult at all. The site gave vary clear directions and spaces for me to fill everything in. It also laid out the different choices I could make to change theme, colors and the layout. Easy enough! BUT... I found myself reading only the minimum to move on to the next step. I would read the first line or so and think, oh I know what they meant, or OK, I got it. Sometimes I did have it, but more often I had to go back and get more information that would have helped me had I just taken an extra minute to read all the words in every step!

I don't know about you, but I do this with life also! Our society is so busy, and on the move that often we jump first and look next. This can be so dangerous at times! I think God sometimes looks down on us and laughs, like a father would at an inexperienced naive little child! I do a lot of volunteer time at my children's school. I can not tell you how often I hear teachers say, “please put your hands down until I am finished explaining all the directions!” And I must say, at the end of ALL the directions there are fewer questions!

I wonder how much better and less stressful my life would be if I just waited for God to give me ALL the directions first? If I truly took the time and sunk my teeth into His living word! If I really sought Him and His will for my life before I said YEP, I am going this, say that....!

Lord help me to seek first Your kingdom! Let me ask for Your wisdom. Let me learn to hear Your voice above all others! Lead me Lord, give me directions!


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