Thursday, October 1, 2009


There seems to be many fine lines when living a life for Christ! There's a fine line between faith and make believe. There is a fine line between talking that faith and lying. And a fine line between waiting on God and not moving forward.

God has given me a dream, a vision and many people to encourage me along the way with my Photography business. I have sat down and formed a plan of action. Now I am waiting to see God work His plan in this. Don't get me wrong, He has moved mighty mountains for me in this, and I am so thankful! This is not a complaint, it is just an observation. It seems that God works on a chain reaction system. He gives one link, and we must move, or believe, or trust with the next link, then He will give another link. It works, of course it works, He is God!

The link I seem to be on is trust! As the weather gets wetter, I am forced to look to studio work. My first thought was to get a business loan and start building a studio to call my own. But is that God's plan? I am not so sure. I know people and ministries and business' that God has provided much money, support, buildings ECT, for just when needed. So that has been my prayer, God please provide all that I need. Once I started to pray that a friend told me about a place that rents studio time to photographers! I looked it up, and it is so reasonable! God's link? I say YES!!

And now my prayer is that I will learn how to use the lights, and how my camera works in doors! It seems that my brain is getting a bit better at the learning curve! At first I just barely grasped the technical stuff. I had to read the same thing over and over again just to understand. But the more I learn the easier it seems for me to grasp! THANK GOD, I can learn new things! =)

Please continue to pray for me! I started putting pictures on stock. I posted 18 shots, and all 18 were rejected for various reasons. Mostly because I have to scan in the models release not just have it on file! Now I know! I also now have an understanding of just what they want and what sells. But, I have never dealt well with rejection of any kind, so here I am, help me Lord know that my acceptance comes from You and no one else. Lord help me recognize when I am to put the link in the chain, and when I am to wait on You to do it. Thank you for leading me this far! God is good, all the time!


Anonymous said...

It's hard when we are older to start something new. Kids seem to pick it up easier. Sometimes, I feel it isn't fair that they have fewer things to fear than us (little older) people.

Nikentay said...

Michelle, good for you for taking something that you love and working on it.