Thursday, June 24, 2010

Less than 3 hours from PDX: SHANIKO Ghost Town

The drive only took "Hood Winked" and a little of  "Parent Trap", not to much time at all! Really it was a pretty drive through part of the Columbia River Gorge and then inland a bit. The terrain of Oregon is amazing! We drove through lush green mountains, with beautiful waterfalls, into a rolling hills area with little to no trees at all. It always amazes me how vast Oregon's areas are and how much differences are seen on even a short 2.5 hour drive! 
Then in the middle of no where, is an old "ghost" town called Shaniko! We first stopped at a general store and the kids jumped out and started naming everything they saw "ghost". "Look, here are ghost polls", and "look a ghost store". It was first! 
Our first pictures where portraits by the "ghost polls" of the general store! So cute to see things through the eyes of children, to imagine what they may have expected! 

Next we traveled to the "wedding chapel". So cool to see the old buildings and realize how small a community was "back in the day" to be able to congregate in such a small one room building. 
The buildings in Shaniko are well maintained but still keep the old time feel. We visited on a Monday, so although most buildings were closed it was still a wonderful experience, and there were loads of photo ops! 
There are lots of things around to remind you of what life may have been like when Shaniko was a living "modern day" town. We call them old or antique, but these items were what made life a bit easier! Just imagine! 

State of the art fire fighting equipment!
In Shaniko one could play out great imaginary stories! Here is one that we came up with...
Early one morning, while waiting for the Shaniko Bank to open, 3 lovely ladies sat enjoying the sunshine!
When all of the sudden the "yellow bellied brothers" gang approaches them. Miss Kenzi runs to get the sheriff  but the gang holds the other two, telling them to hand over the money.
The yellow belly brothers persuade the youngest 
lady to join their group. 

Meanwhile the Sheriff shows up and can't figure out who the good guys and the bad guys are, so halls them all off to jail! 
 The Judge is in the next town over, so the Sheriff loads everyone into the patty wagon to take them to the next town. Unfortunately he allowed the yellow bellied brothers to drive! 
 They never made it to the next town, in fact rumor has it, they all bellied up to the bar at the local saloon and had a Birch Beer 
(root beer)...
 ...and toasted their good fortune of getting out of jail! 
The mothers however, well lets just say they 
were not seen at the saloon! 

The End

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