Sunday, October 4, 2009

My recent shoots!

What a fun day I had! I did a family shoot in a new location around Portland and then headed to the Hollywood district to shoot a friend. First of all, this was my first “model” shoot. For the most part I have been doing family, couples, children and baby pictures. These are a blast, and I have enjoyed every one of them. It is fun to get a groove with people and when I really find out what works for them we begin to see great “them” shots!

But this metro shoot was all about what I wanted to shoot! The beautiful Lynette posed how I wanted, where I wanted and did what I needed to get just the shot I was looking for. We drove around and when we found a door way of a church, or a colored wall on a building, boom, we stopped, jumped out and were shooting within a moment! Fun! And really productive! I got a huge amount of shots to work with, and I do mean huge!

That got me to thinking about my relationship with God (I know most everything gets me to thinking about my relationship with God)! How much more could He accomplish in our lives if we would just cooperate with Him and His plan? WOW! I wonder how much time we waist winning about what He needs us to do to get the result He is desiring? When I was shooting Lynette it was all about what I wanted yes, but in the end she will benefit from some great portraits of herself! And let me tell you I was able to make her look her best! Just like God is able to make us look our best...IF we just stand where He tells us, move when He says move, be still when He says be still... Is it really that simple? I think it is!

Lord, help me to hear your voice in all things. Help me to listen, not complain and most of all be ready to do and say and act the way You need, so that I can be all that you created me to be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Michelle. I like the analogy of waiting for the right moment. It works when you work with God. You are getting to be a great artist in God.