Saturday, February 27, 2010

Let go and let God

Well, I am getting ready to do some huge things on Monday! I will post new prices, launch a website where you can order prints and take Miche Photography to a new level! Nervous? Yes. Frightened? No. You see I am learning that there is a huge difference. I know God has called me to start Miche Photography, He has proved that to me many times over. I also know He will guide and help me every step of the way, all I need to do is ask (and oh I will)! I also know that there will be bumps in the road, problems I will need to solve, and I know that it will come down to my knowledge, my ability and my faith. However, I do get all those things from Him! See a little nervous, but not frightened. This is new for me, Praise the Lord! He is so good!

God "down loaded" a thought to me this weekend, with a vary small bit of faith, God can move a mountain! Sometimes He moves it one rock at a time!

Blessings! Michelle

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Here I go a blogging!

WOW, sometimes when God asks you to start something new it can consume a lot of your time! I know I need to blog, because He is doing so much I just need to tell everyone!So forgive me for taking the unannounced break, but here we go! I am back!

My husband and I have attended 4 churches in our 19 years of marriage. All have had a different feel to them, all give us a little different look at who God is and all He has done to show us His love. At our current church many people observe a time of lent. Lent is the 40 days before Easter in which a person might give something up and use that time to pray for something else. Many people give up food items, TV, games, activities. I have decided to give up a little fear. I am using this 40 days to push myself to do as much to further Miche Photography as I can. I am not going to talk about how scary it is to pay for a business license I am just going to get one because I need it. I have researched websites from where I will be able to sell my photo's and I will be launching one within a few weeks! Because I need it! I am also making an investment into a new camera and some new gear, because I need it! During this 40 days I am not going to allow myself to look at the walls that might be in my way, I am going to make myself look at the path God is laying in front of me! I will push down fear, I will pray it away. I will resist it and it will flee from me!
It is God's gifts in me that I operate in, it is He who has put the desires in my heart, and it is He who will cause all things to work together for the good of those who love Him. I love Him!
I am excited about what God will do with me and with Miche Photography in the next 40 (well just a few less now) days! He is good, and I am so loved by Him! We all are!